Annual Report 2015 > Annual report > A leader in news and opinion > Supplements and Magazines
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Supplements and Magazines

Taller de Editores publishes the two most widely read supplements in Spain: XLSemanal and Mujer Hoy, as well as Corazón CzN TVE and financial magazine Inversión & Finanzas. The quality of its journalists and its commitment to information are the cornerstones of its reputation. The supplements are distributed with all Vocento newspapers and other leading regional newspapers at the weekend.

Vocento’s magazines and supplements had a combined readership of almost 3.6 million people in 2015, with XLSemanal the clear leader in the market, with around 1 million readers more than its nearest competitor, according to the 3rd EGM survey for 2015, while Mujer Hoy had over one million readers. Both supplements have continued to improve their relative positions for readership and advertising share.

In terms of advertising, according to internal data both publications continue to increase their share of the market. In the Sunday supplements market, where advertising has stabilised, XLSemanal has share of 54.9%, up 1.5 p.p. from 2014. In the women’s magazine market, which is growing at a double digit rate, Mujer Hoy improved its share by 1.8 p.p. to 47.5%.

At the end of 2015 Vocento reached an agreement with Grupo Zeta to develop sales of Mujer Hoy, which is now distributed with El Periódico, enabling Catalan readers to buy the women’s magazine.

Vocento continues to invest in a differentiated product, enabling it to reach new readers and advertisers. It also contributed to the organisation of more than 25 events and has focused on digital development, with the redesigned website of Mujer Hoy launched in January 2016.

In the area of corporate magazines, a highlight was the agreement with Air Europa to publish its in-flight magazine, a leader in the segment. The monthly magazine has 140 pages devotes to beauty, fashion and shopping, a lifestyle magazine focused on travel.

In 2016, Vocento will continue to invest in its portfolio of existing products and will focus on events, special actions and digital initiatives. It aims to maintain its leadership position while minimising costs, but without reducing the editorial quality of the area.


XL Semanal remains the undisputed leader of the Spanish weekend supplements market with more than two million readers and a market share of around 46% (Source: EGM third survey 2015). Its circulation is around 685,000, according to OJD data for January-December.

Contributor sinclude Carlos Herrera, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Juan Manuel de Prada, Carmen Posadas, and others. The supplement’s aim is to continue investing in a differentiated product that attracts readers and advertisers.


Mujer Hoy, published by Taller de Editores, continues to be the second most read weekend supplement and the leader in the women’s category, with market share of 25% and over 1.2 million readers (Source: EGM third survey 2015). The magazine, which contains news about current affairs, health and decoration and beauty and fashion, is distributed on Saturdays with Vocento newspapers and other regional leaders. Readership data mean it is one of the leading publication in its sector.

At the end of 2015, Vocento reached an agreement with Grupo Zeta to pursue synergies between their weekend supplement. Since 1 January El Periódico de Catalunya has been providing the magazine in its weekend edition, making the popular magazine and its quarterly fashion special available to Catalan readers.

Every year, the magazine presents prizes to outstanding women in Spain. Recipients in the 7th edition include actress and Mujer Hoy blogger Mar Saura, model and presenter Nieves Álvarez, television producer Teresa Fernández-Valdés, writer Dolores Redondo and pharmaceutical industry leader Carmen Peña. Roberto Arce won the male commitment award for his programme "Amores que duelen".

Mujer Hoy Moda is the magazine’s quarterly fashion special, over 80 pages dedicated to high end fashion and beauty. The supplement has a print run of 190,000 copies and is distributed with ABC in Madrid and other capitals with Vocento’s regional newspapers, plus now with El Periódico de Catalunya.

Mujer Hoy is also very active in corporate projects to link the brand to leading advertisers, as with products such as Guapabox in the beauty box segment.

In the digital space, has 1.2 million unique users according to MMX Multiplataforma (December 2015). It is one of the top five portals in the beauty, fashion and style segment of the comScore ranking. The portal was redesigned in 2015 and has a fresher look than its peers. It also has an active social media presence with more than one million followers on Facebook and a strong community on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. The portal has a close relationship with users thanks to events, special actions, testing clubs, competitions and surveys.


Corazón CzN TVE is a magazine dedicated to celebrity news, combining journalism and entertainment. It is distributed with Vocento newspapers in the weekend, as well as with La Voz de Galicia, Heraldo de Aragón and Diario de Navarra. In Catalonia it is sold in kiosks.

The supplement has a circulation of more than 173,000 copies (Source: OJD Jan-December) and it has over 260,000 readers (Source: EGM third survey 2015).

In 2015 Corazón CZN TVE was launched jointly with the TVE Corazón programme presented by Anne Igartiburu, benefiting from synergies between the two platforms. The supplement has been a success, with sales placing it among the major celebrity magazines.


Inversión y Finanzas is the only weekly finance magazine on sale in kiosks. It is the most sold supplement in Spain in its sector and the only one with specialist information on wealth management for individuals, with sections on the stock market, real estate, mutual funds, pension plans, banking products, tax issues and general economics and business news. Its readership is 37,000 (Source: EGM third survey 2015) and its circulation is over 4,600 copies (Source: OJD Jan-December).

In December 2015, the magazine commemorated its 1000th edition with an awards ceremony. The deputy secretary for the economy and competitiveness, Miguel Temboury, attended. Award-winning companies included ACS, Popular, Amundi, BBVA, Santander, La Caixa and Juan Velarde. specialises in financial and economic information and savings advice and offers up to the minute news on stock market prices and indices.

In 2015, the financial portal received an average of almost 650,000 monthly visits (Source: comScore 2015), showing the upside potential of the portal.


Código Único is dedicated to a masculine high-end readership, with interests in luxury and brands. It contains interviews and features about sport, fashion, beauty, cars, technology and others. With a circulation of 102,000 copies (Source: OJD 2014) it is distributed monthly with ABC and with El Periódico de Catalunya in Barcelona.


Taller de Editores continued to grow in the events area in 2015. INVERSIÓN & held annual meetings for sectors such as private banking, financial advisers, Chief Investment Officers (CIOs) and pensions. In December 2015, the magazine commemorated its 1000th edition with an awards ceremony.

In 2015, Mujer Hoy participated in major health and beauty events including Beauty Day (two events with more than 2,500 visitors) and the MHM Summit for professionals of the fashion industry. The magazine also awarded its prestigious Mujerhoy Prizes to Women of the Year, as well as the Beauty Awards and the Car Awards for best car design, features and safety.

In 2015, Corazón CZN TVE replaced Hoy Corazón and was launched jointly with the TVE Corazón programme presented by Anne Igartiburu, benefiting from synergies between the magazine and the television programme.

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