Annual Report 2015 > Annual report > Classifieds
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The nationwide Classifieds network of Vocento is unique in the Spanish media sector, thanks to its specialist team and its customer-focused service culture. These characteristics are supported by and the 11 regional digital editions of Vocento, providing a nationwide service that is characterised by its content as well as by its understanding of the segment.

The portals are present with national brands in the three main markets for Internet classified advertising: in real estate with (top#3 in its category), employment with (top#4) and automotive with (top#9).

In 2015, Vocento focused on selective investments in developing its different business areas, especially their sales arms and their technologies, in order to guarantee sustained growth. At the same time, the emphasis has been on the B2B sector, which has strengthened the customer base.

For 2016, the strategy remains focused on developing the business of each vertical and on developing products and services with added value that enable us to improve our understanding of clients and our use of new technologies. Vocento is also looking to generate higher advertising revenues and to raise the average revenue per user, using new sales strategies and loyalty measures, while maintaining the current cost structure. This strategy enabled positive EBIT to be achieved in 2015.


In 2015, Infoempleo redesigned the brand and transformed the portal to adapt to the new needs of the labour market and to help candidates find work. The new web site, in a responsive format, provides mobile users and tablet users with simple, rapid access to all services, enabling an intuitive and easy user experience. The Infoempleo Blog, which contains news, advice and interviews about work and training, was also redesigned.

In 2015, the community of Infoempleo users on social networks increased and is now over 100,000 people strong on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The portal has more than a million unique users, according to comScore 2015.

The training portal Avanza en tu Carrera continued to grow in 2015 and become the leading portal for training opportunities. A highlight was the launch of a new digital version of the guide to graduate and postgraduate courses for tablets, available for free in the app stores. The portal has a strong following in social media, with almost 5,000 fans on Facebook (1,000 more than the previous year) and more than 3,000 followers on Twitter.


In 2015, Autocasión recorded high rates of growth in all its traffic and business indicators. With three main areas of content – advertising of used vehicles, new vehicles, and automotive news – Autocasión is one of the leading portals in its sector.

The portal’s multi-device digital platform provides a wide range of content and services, expanding over the course of 2015 and always focused on users and their mobile needs. The portal is the most wide-ranging in its sector and has won the loyalty of users, professionals and major advertisers.

The strong performance of the company and its wide range of services for dealers and for buying and selling vehicles led to an increase of 40% in the client portfolio, with operating revenues up 35%, doubling the positive results of the previous year.

The increase in traffic reflects the positive performance of the strategic agreements signed by the company last year as well as an increase in marketing investments. Highlights include the partnership with Autobiz of France for the Sistema VO product and with Mascus, a specialist in the B2B market for used industrial equipment and vehicles.

For the total of all the websites belonging to the company, the number of unique monthly users reached more than 1.5 million in 2015 according to comScore DAX. The support of users is also clear in the social media space, where there has been a sharp increase in interactivity and an improvement in brand recognition, pointing to a 2016 of strong growth.



In 2015, continued to adapt its website for mobile devices, with over 50% of users now accessing from smartphones. The aim is to enable users to look for homes whenever they need to. More than three million users and 138 million page views on average, according to Dax comScore, indicate the success of the website, which is in the top three in its category in Spain.

In terms of the marketing and communications strategy, has increased its presence as an expert portal in the online and offline media, and at the main real estate fairs and professional events. It also increased its visibility on television, with spot campaigns, sponsorships and advertising during programmes. Various famous brand ambassadors supported these campaigns. The portal also continued to be a source of specialist information for the media.

In addition, completes its offer with, a website which brings together users who are looking for or offering rooms to rent, and with, an exclusive portal for professionals.

In the social networking space, continues to grow, with 12,000 followers on Twitter and 58,000 fans on Facebook, up around 50% from last year.



In 2015, consolidated its position as the website for recommendations of other websites and businesses, with more than 1.5 million users according to ComScore (December 2015). At the end of the year, it had 133,000 registered users and 99,000 registered companies.

At the end of 2015, the service had more than 321,000 opinions about websites and 877,000 photographs, making 11870 the absolute leader for the number of opinions and SME photographs in Spain.

The business lines of the company performed positively in year, especially in services for increasing visibility, which has been the company’s focus. Revenues were maintained despite a sharp reduction in costs.



The portal publishes advertising for a wide variety of products. It brings together people interested in buying and selling, enabling professionals and retail customers to interact and facilitating the buying, selling and renting of goods and services in a straightforward and simple way. The portal has more than 200,000 unique users (ComScore 2015).

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